Blue Catfish Pilot Program Applications (February 7, 2025)
Winter Shows in our area, 2025 (updated
January 6, 2025)
Atlantic Striped Bass Board Initiates Addendum to Consider 2026
Management Measures (December 17, 2024)
Updated Stock Assessment Overview for Atlantic Striped Bass
(November 2024)
PIA Request 100824 results RE FACTS data reported to MD DNR
More than 220,000 Striped Bass released into the Cape Fear River
(November 14, 2024)
Atlantic Striped Bass Board Meeting Scheduled for December 16th to
Consider Changes to 2025 Management Measures: Informational Webinar
to be Held December 5th with Public Comment Deadline Set for
December 10th (November 7, 2024)
Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board October 23, 2024 meeting
Atlantic Striped Bass Stock Assessment Update Finds Resource Remains
Overfished With A Less Than 50% Chance of Rebuilding by 2029 Board
to Meet in December to Consider Changing Measures for 2025 to
Increase Probability of Rebuilding the Stock (October 24, 2024)
Results of Chesapeake Bay 2024 Young-of-Year Striped Bass Survey
Show Little Change (October 17, 2024)
Study suggests decline in striped bass nursery habitat in the
Chesapeake Bay (October 17, 2024)
Evaluating the Conservation Benefit of Circle Hooks for Striped Bass
(October 10, 2024)
Data from Tagged Fish to Help Scientists Enhance Restoration Efforts
(NOAA Fisheries, September 04, 2024)
U.S. Geological Survey Presentation Raises Questions About
Osprey-Menhaden Link Allegations (August 7, 2024)
Charter boat companies file lawsuit over new Maryland fishing
regulation (video featuring Captain Brian Hardman, May 29, 2024)
Files Lawsuit (March 11, 2024)
DFA and MCBA File Lawsuit in U.S. District Court of MD Regarding
Recent Striped Bass Mandate (March 8, 2024)
Striped bass harvest restrictions trigger widespread impact
(February 26, 2024)
Oyster rebound undercut by returning diseases, weak market
(February 23, 2024)
Female age at maturity and fecundity in Atlantic Striped Bass
(February 14, 2024)
Patuxent River Blue Catfish
Maryland Department of Natural Resources Offers Grants for Invasive
Fish Removal (February 6, 2024)
MCBA's Response Letter RE: Striped Bass Draft Addendum II
(December 19, 2024)
Maryland Department of Natural Resources Presents Emergency
Regulations to Increase Protections for Maryland’s Striped Bass
Spawning Population (November 29, 2023)
#102523 -- Request for information regarding recent harvest of
Striped Bass by Maryland Charter Boats (initiated by Captain Brian
Hardman) -- response from Maryland DNR (November 1, 2023
MD Public Hearing on Striped Bass Draft Addendum II set for December
6, 2023
"Chesapeake Bay Recreational Options" (p 15 of the Draft Addendum II)
ASMFC Annual 2023 Meeting announced
(October 16, 2023)
Chesapeake Bay 2023 Young-of-Year Striped Bass Survey Results
Announced (October 12, 2023)
Predatory impacts of invasive Blue Catfish in an Atlantic coast
estuary. Corbin D. Hilling, Joseph D. Schmitt, Yan Jiao, Donald
J. Orth. (October 3, 2023)
A Chesapeake Perspective: Habitat Preservation and Restoration
(September 21, 2023)
Jimmy Buffett...
(September 3, 2023)
ASMFC Atlantic Striped Bass Board Extends Emergency Action through
October 28, 2024 & Continues Development of Additional Measures to
Aid Rebuilding (August 2, 2023)
Need help reporting your discarded/released fish?
Maryland Department of Natural Resources - Starting and Ending a
Charter Trip in FACTS video
FACTS - Best Reporting Practices
Striped bass are in trouble again. Can an emergency measure save
them? (By Billy Baker, Boston Globe Staff,updated May 24, 2023)
A Chesapeake Perspective: Expanding Angler Access (June 15,
A Chesapeake Perspective: Opportunities and Impacts of Invasive Fish
(April 20, 2023)
USCG "Round
Up" starting February 28, 2023
ASMFC FISHERIES Focus November / December 2022
UMES, DNR partner on survey in effort to revive recreational
boating, fishing (October 25, 2022)
Juvenile striped bass abundance remains steady in Virginia waters
(October 20, 2022)
Chesapeake Bay 2022 Young-of-Year Survey Results Announced
(October 20, 2022)
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Review of the Interstate
Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis)
2021 Fishing Year (July 26, 2022)
MCBA Charter Captain
Bryan Schmitt owns the Mississippi - Congratulations! (August
29, 2022)
The Past, Present, & Future of Striped Bass: A Chesapeake
Perspective Part 3, Rebuilding a Fishery and Bay that Future Anglers
Deserve (September 22, 2022)
The Past, Present, & Future of Striped Bass: A Chesapeake
Perspective Part 2,
The Current
State of the Striper Fishery, Habitat, & Forage.
(July 14, 2022)
Accidental discovery that scallops love ‘disco’ lights leads to new
fishing technique (May 26, 2022)
The Past, Present, & Future of Striped Bass: A Chesapeake
Perspective Part 1, Dark Years - Lessons Learned from the Striper
Moratorium of 1985-1990 (May 12, 2022)
ASMFC Approves Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan
for Atlantic Striped Bass: Amendment Strengthens Measures to Support
Stock Rebuilding (May 6, 2022)
Tracking Fish in the Chesapeake Bay Helps Researchers and Resource
Managers (March 1, 2022)
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission 2021 Annual Report
(February 2022)
ASMFC 2021 Fall Meeting Webinar Press Release, Summaries, and
Motions (October 21, 2021)
Chesapeake Bay 2021 Young-of-Year Survey Results Announced (MD
DNR October 15, 2021)
New regulations credited for decrease in striped bass harvest
(Bay Journal August 20, 2021)
Governor Hogan Announces Additional $3.4 Million In Relief Funds For
Maryland Fishing Industry (August 4, 2021)
Free listing in the 2022 Destination Maryland Visitor Guide
(August 3, 2021)
CONDITIONS (July 27, 2021)
MCBA Charter Captain Bryan Schmitt got
'er done on Lake Champlain - Congratulations! (July 11, 2021)
20th Annual Calvert County Watermen's Festival SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19,
Tracking the Blue Cat: Learning to Beat the Invasive Fish (May
1, 2021)
Striped Bass
Amendment 7 Public Information Document Hearing Video (MD 3/22/21)
ASMFC Public Information Document for Amendment 7 to the Interstate
Fishery Management Plan for ATLANTIC STRIPED BASS
Clarification from the USCG on the
requirement to wear masks on "public maritime vessels" (02/01/2021)
USCG "Round Up" to start March 2021 (January 14, 2021)
How the coronavirus vaccine relies on Maryland’s strangest fishery:
horseshoe crabs (December 31, 2020)
Governor Hogan Announces COVID-19 Relief for Agriculture and Seafood
Producers (December 29, 2020)
New study reveals $10.5 billion impact from recreational fishing
trips (June 15, 2020)
Differential migration in Chesapeake Bay striped bass (May 14,
ASMFC Approves MD DNR Option 4
(February 4, 2020)
R.I.P. Captain
Edwin Martin Darwin
R.I.P. Captain
Dennis B. Zimmerman
R.I.P. Captain Richard H. Grimes, Sr.
R.I.P. Captain
"Butch" Howard Sweet
R.I.P. Captain William Stephen Goins
R.I.P. Captain Charles Edward “Pops” Green,
R.I.P. Captain William Thomas Heacock Jr.
R.I.P. Captain Bert Thomas Shaffner
R.I.P. Captain Edward Augustine O'Brien
FYI - Black Sea Bass and Black Drum (March
10, 2018)
R.I.P. Captain Robert
Hayden "Bobby" Bowes
R.I.P. Captain
LeRoy Arthur Leverone

2018 Addendum (January 9, 2018)
January 2018
December 2017
Dues and updated information
should be sent to Captain Chris Diehl -- the information is used for the website and the roster.
Please check your own listing on the MCBA website. Make sure you are listed in the correct area and that all your contact information is
current. Also, check the links to your website. If you want
a boat photo posted, either send a link to your boat photo or email a
photo to webmaster